What is kindergarten?

HCMC Kindergarten Funded Program Hours : 9:00am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
It runs forty weeks of the year and operates according to the Victoria public school term dates.
(Parents will have the option to enrol on any two given days between Monday to Friday).
Fee Structure: $124 which includes before and after care between 7am to 7pm.
The Kindergarten program at Hoppers Crossing Montessori Centre applies the Montessori Method which is a child-focused educational approach that is based on scientific observations of child development.
The Montessori curriculum are strongly linked to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and embracing the requirements of the National Quality Framework (NQF).
The early childhood Montessori educators ensure that each child has the sense of belonging, being and becoming. It is our priority that the centre carries out the EYLF principle, practices and learning outcomes.
It is the educators’ goal that each child is engaging in a secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships with others and their educators.
As part of the Montessori curriculum, the team at our centre invest on partnership with each child’s family members, where families from various cultural backgrounds are encouraged to be involved in their child’s learning environment and collaboratively working together to achieve their learning goals.
The Montessori classrooms are well prepared environment by the educators to stimulate the children’s learning and interest.

Regardless of children’s diverse circumstances and abilities, the educators are committed to equity with high expectations for the children’s learning, to the children’s capacities to succeed.